Rabu, 30 April 2014

Real Drum APK full free download

Real Drum - Drumming to AndroidThe most fun experience in drumming to Android!
Drum kit with acoustic percussion sounds.
To play live music.
* Multitouch
* 13 drum pads
* Complete acoustic drum kit
* 19 realistic drum sounds
* Studio audio quality
* Instruments like kick, bass, snare, tom, floor, cymbal, hi-hat, ride, crash, splash, bell, china, block, cowbell and tambourine
* A perfect real drum set
* 10 examples of rhythms
* Record mode
* Play in loop
* Rename recordings
* Works with all screen resolutions - Cell Phones and Tablets (HD Images)
* Free
Also, you can remove all ads buying a key!
The best battery pad style on the Google Play!
For drummers, percussionists, musician, performers and artists!
Nyata Drum - Drumming ke Android
Yang paling menyenangkan pengalaman dalam drum untuk Android!
Drum kit dengan suara perkusi akustik.
Untuk memainkan musik.
* Multitouch
* 13 Drum bantalan
* Lengkap akustik drum
* 19 suara drum yang realistis
* Studio kualitas audio
* Instrumen seperti tendangan, bass, snare, tom, floor, cymbal, hi-hat, naik, kecelakaan, splash, bell, china, blok, cowbell dan tamborin
* Sebuah drum set nyata sempurna
* 10 contoh irama
* Modus Record
* Putar di lingkaran
* Ubah nama rekaman
* Bekerja dengan semua resolusi layar - Telepon Seluler dan Tablet (HD Images)
* Gratis
Juga, Anda dapat menghapus semua iklan membeli kunci!
Pad gaya baterai terbaik di Google Play!
Untuk drumer, perkusionis, musisi, artis dan seniman!
This description was generated by Google automatic translator. If you would like to help with the correct translate of this description, please write to rodrigokolb@gmail.com



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